Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Meeting Aesclepius

My meditative practices for the week include meditation through visualization 3 to 4 times per week. If there is nothing that I want to visualize specifically, I usually think of one particular thing to visualize. I mostly visualize white sands on a beach with a slight blowing of the wind, clear skies, clear water and beautiful salt water fish. This week’s meditative exercise made my visualization of this scene even more brighter and realistic thanks to the ocean waters. Depending on the day I’ve had, my visualization can be extremely energizing or completely null and void because I fall asleep. I’ve noticed lately that I tend to doze while listening to guided meditation. My days have been rather tiring the last few weeks so I’ve not been quite able to focus as much as I’d like to. On those days that are difficult for me to focus I usually end up listening to the very distinct sound of white noise and this usually helps to wake me up. All in all, meditation has been very good for me and I will continue to do it even long after we are done with this class. I also believe meditation has opened my mind and heart to be more spiritual. This practice has allowed me through visualization to connect with a higher being and to create a higher level of consciousness in my mind, body, and spirit. I believe that continued meditation will increase my health and wellness leading me to optimal health.

The saying “One cannot lead another where one has not gone himself” means you cannot teach someone about something you have yet to open your mind to. I see this saying as giving directions. It would be impossible for someone to ask me to give them directions to someplace I’ve never been to and all they have is the name of the place and no address. I can’t lead them in the right direction if I’ve never heard of or gone to the place they are asking directions to. The same goes for health and wellness. I believe that in order to help others reach their health and wellness goals, I would have had to go through the same training and dedication I would expect from my clients. Going through the same thing allows me to understand them from a different angle than just as a client/patient angle. The interaction becomes more personal because I am better able to understand the struggle and help them to see the light at the end of the tunnel. There definitely is an obligation to develop my own psychological, spiritual, and physical health because the client needs to be helped and trained in all of these areas. The client might actually open my eyes to an even bigger understanding of who I am from any or all of these angles through their fight to gain integral health.  



  1. Isn't it weird how one day it makes you energized and the next day it makes you go asleep? Was it a restful sleep?

    I like to read your blogs, are you going to keep blogging after the class?


    1. Hi Ann,
      Yes, I plan to continue with my blog after this class. I like doing it and I also like reading the thoughts of others.

