Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Loving Kindness and Mental Workouts

My experience with the Loving Kindness exercise was pleasant. It was truly relaxing and I began to doze off while listening to it. I really enjoy the portion when we are supposed to aim our thoughts at someone else who is in a less than ideal situation. People can tend to be so self-absorbed that we forget there are so many more people in the world who are going through rough times. This exercise has actually encouraged me to not only think about others who are less fortunate than I am but to continue to do as much as I can for others. I do volunteer my time but I wouldn't mind volunteering a bit more. I would recommend this to others, especially others that seem to be extremely self-absorbed and only concerned with what is going on in their own lives. While this may not change them instantly, at least it will get them to think about someone else, if only for a few minutes.

 I believe a mental workout is when you focus on your mind and thoughts and concentrate on something specific as to stop the mind from running all over the place. I also look at a mental workout as doing something, anything that involves clear and focused thinking. Mental workouts can involve doing puzzles, brain teasers, meditation, visualization, etc. The benefits of a mental workout are making the connections between the psychological, mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual aspects of our entire body and a better level of quality insight. Mental workouts make the mind stronger, thus creating stability within the entire body. Mental workouts will help me increase my own mental stability. I believe a strong mind makes it better for a person to withstand those things that are mentally challenging. I also believe with a strong mind comes will power and strength in enduring challenging situations involving others outside of yourself and allow you the capacity to not only help yourself, but help others as well.


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