Saturday, July 13, 2013

Hi everyone! My name is Sherese and I am all about health and wellness. I must say I have always been drawn to wellness and health but it was by chance I happened to turn on the television and right before my eyes was a small child (I believe he was just 2 years of age). I know there is nothing unusual about seeing a small child on a television program. In this case, this small child weighed 72 pounds and was morbidly obese and had asthma, diabetes, and high blood pressure. This happened to be on the Maury Povich show and the topic of discussion for the day was overweight kids. To say that I was shocked to the point of my jaw dropping is an understatement. I could not believe that this toddler weighed as much as he did and his mother was proud. She bragged about feeding him cakes, cookies, and candy whenever he wanted it. His typical dinner was something like 4 pieces of chicken, 4 pieces of bread, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, and a gallon of chocolate milk. It was at that very moment of hearing his mother brag about just how much this 2 year old could "put away" in one sitting that I decided that I wanted to help children who, like this toddler, had issues with medical conditions caused by obesity. In order for me to help others, I have to help myself as well. Through this blog, I will detail my challenges with weight issues as well as my progress. I believe in order to help others, I have to live my ultimate healthy life. Won't you join me?


  1. Sherese I too have seen shows like this and it is truly sad that some people don't take their health and wellness seriously. Children do not have a choice at that age they follow the behavior of their parents. I have a young daughter who is overweight due to some health issues and medications she has to take. It is hard to see her struggle this is what got me into health and wellness. Since I have taken interest in this field my daughter has been taken off some of her meds and is starting to improve. This is a journey I have vowed to take with her.

    1. Hi Hilary,
      Congrats to you for helping your daughter to get off some of her meds! That is so huge! Our children can definitely serve as motivation for so many choices we as their parents make. It is definitely love that has motivated you to take interest in this field and dedication to take this journey with her. I applaud you! I hope things continue to go well for your daughter and you too!

  2. Hello Sherese, sounds like a very ignorant mom on that tv show. Obesity causes chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease and some forms of cancer. Unfortunately, some people don't know how serious bad eating and lack of exercise is to the human body. Looking forward to reading your blog as you take the journey to better health.

    1. Hi Liza,
      Yes, that is ignorance at it's finest, especially seeing how the mom thought it was one big joke. There are so many chronic illnesses that children are dealing with nowadays. When I was a child you never really heard about children dealing with such diseases, unless they were born with them, such as juvenile diabetes. Now, it goes far beyond this and it is truly a shame.
